Client Stories

Learn about how our team helps change the lives of our clients.
"Your team has made a huge difference in my life and my children's lives."

"I am a single mom who often calls for assistance. Thank you for all your patience. I felt I would be defeated in my case because I could not afford an attorney and properly defend myself because I had no clue how to even start. Whoever I spoke to on the phone the first time informed me that I am not alone and there are plenty of places that offer help, and I could always call you for advice. That was the day that changed my mindset. After over a year of asking your team for legal advice, tears, and breakdowns over the phone, I finally took the step to serve my ex with a Motion To Enforce. Four years of abuse, and I finally took a stand. Your team helped me with documents that I needed, evidence I should provide, terms I should use, and how to organize and present my case.

"My day in Court arrived. It was a huge day for me. The commissioner found him in contempt and imposed several requirements on him that he must complete, otherwise he'll be sent to jail and have his license suspended.

"I could not have succeeded without the help from everyone on your team. You have no idea how much this means to me to feel like justice is being served. I cannot thank all of you enough for everything that you do. Many times I have felt helpless since I couldn't afford an attorney to represent me. Your team has made a huge difference in my life and my children's lives. I have gained confidence and learned to properly fight back. So thank you, thank you, thank you. My heart feels a little lighter now. You truly make a difference."

Client Testimonial

Minnie worked through her case with the guidance and assistance of TLC for several years. Over the years she has called the hotline and attended our weekly clinic to receive advice and direction on her case, along with receiving significant document assistance. Minnie had suffered severe abuse. Minnie has several children who were in the custody of their father. Her visits had been supervised but she had sought help and dealt with her issues, making unsupervised parent time appropriate as outlined in her decree.  Finally, in June of 2021, after a bench trial, she succeeded in getting her Petition to Modify granted. Minnie’s story is a testament to how the TLC system can help a pro se litigant make their way through the legal process slowly but surely and come out on top in the end.

Client Story

Name has been changed
"Their help has made the difference in my case."

"I came to TLC after a victim advocate gave me their hotline number and I called for answers to procedural questions. I was embroiled in a parentage case filed by my abusive ex-partner. I couldn’t pay for an attorney. I even applied for a loan and didn’t get approved. I was scared and devastated but knew I had to find a way to represent myself. I felt embarrassed and apologetic to ask volunteers to help, but I needed help.

"Wow, did TLC save me. They exceeded every expectation. They helped me request what is right and helped me advocate for my little family. I have used the hotline, online clinic, and document clinic. They have never backed away from helping me, even when I am running up to a deadline and things were urgent. They honestly make me feel like me and my case and my daughter matter. I’m crying as I write this, because that alone means to world to me in this situation; after being abused, abandoned, trying to single parent on a limited income, feeling like the weight of the world is on me and the scariness of confusing litigation lay before me, to feel like someone wants to help changed my entire demeanor toward the process and has helped me thrive.

"The opposing attorney in my case has commented on how well written my filings have been. The TLC students and attorneys are so skilled at what they do. I truly know that their invaluable help with my arguments and filings have made the difference in my case. I feel like justice for my daughter has been carried out here, and it was only possible because of TLC.

"The work they do saves families and lives; I am not being hyperbolic. The work they do is important and so needed. The spirit in which they do it is sincere; I can tell this staff loves to help people. I owe TLC so much. Timpanogos Legal Center is here, doing miracle work."

Client Testimonial

© 2025 Timpanogos Legal Center. All rights reserved.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice or the Utah Office for Victims of Crime.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the State of Utah. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Utah Office for Victims of Crime or the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.