Legal Resources

Find information on legal resources in Utah, and get information to help you in your family law, protective order, or housing case. Click on links to be taken to a handout or to another webpage to learn more.

Information on Divorce and Custody In Utah

Custody Information
What are my options for custody arrangements?
What are my options for parent-time?
What is a custody evaluation?
What if one parent needs to move?

Divorce Information
How does a divorce go in Utah? (You can also look at the divorce roadmap and timeline.)
How will the court handle our retirement accounts?
What is a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order)?
What should I know if one or both of us are in the military?
I need to hire a family law attorney. What should I know?

Information on Civil Protective Orders and Stalking Injunctions

What is the difference between the Domestic Relations Injunction in my divorce case and a protective order?
What are the differences between all of the civil protective orders?
I need information on civil protective orders and criminal protective orders.

Timpanogos Legal Center trains victim advocates so they can give you legal advice on civil protective orders and help you apply for the right order. To see if there is a Certified Advocate in your area, visit this page.
(Note: You must meet the eligibility requirements for the Certified Advocate's agency to receive services. Timpanogos Legal Center may have different eligibility requirements.)

Information on Evictions and Housing Law

How do eviction cases work in Utah?
I am a victim of domestic violence. Can I end my lease early?

We recommend reviewing the information on housing from Utah Legal Services. The Utah State Courts' website also has helpful information for tenants and landlords.

Information on the Utah Court System

I have multiple cases. Why aren't they all being heard by the same judge? What is the difference between different courts and cases?
There is a criminal case against me or against someone I know. How do cases work in justice court and district court?
Can I file documents by email in my case?

Information on Legal Representation (Hiring an Attorney or Representing Yourself)

If you don't feel that representing yourself is a good option for you, there are several options for finding an attorney. Some attorneys and organizations provide "pro bono" representation, which means they will represent you for free. There are often strict guidelines to qualify for free representation. If you don't qualify, you will need to pay for an attorney or represent yourself.

Timpanogos Legal Center cannot tell you if you qualify for services from another organization. It is your responsibility to call the organization and complete their application process. See our handout with statewide legal resources here.

Pro Bono (Free) Representation Resources
Utah Legal Services provides pro bono representation to qualified applicants. They take family law, protective order, housing, public benefits (Medicaid, SSI, SSDI, etc.), consumer, agricultural, and Native American Indian cases. You can apply online or over the phone. Services are available throughout Utah.

Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake provides pro bono representation to qualified applicants with cases in Salt Lake County only. They take family law and protective order cases. You can apply online. Legal Aid Society has a two-step application process, so please be sure to check your application to see if additional information has been requested.

Utah Crime Victims Legal Clinic represents victims of crime to ensure their rights are protected. Learn more about their services and how to apply for services on their website.

Disability Law Center helps disabled Utahns with accessibility, community living, education, employment, housing, institutional rights, and more. They have a collection of resources available on their website to answer common questions. You can apply for help on their website.

Paid Representation Resources
Licensed Lawyer allows you to find a Utah attorney who specializes in the area of law you need help in. You can search by name, legal problem, and cost. For family law and some housing and debt collection cases, you can also look for a Licensed Paralegal Practitioner (LPPs). LPPs have been trained in a specific area of law and have taken an exam to be able to practice law in limited ways. LPPs can draft documents for you and provide legal advice, but cannot present your case in court. LPPs generally charge less than attorneys. Learn more about LPPs here.

Utah State Bar Modest Means Program allows qualified applicants to have an attorney at a reduced rate. There is a $25 fee to apply to the program.

Self-Representation (Pro Se) Resources
The Utah Courts' Self-Help Center provides free legal resources to people who do not have a lawyer. They cannot provide legal advice. You can contact them using email, phone call, or text message.

MyCase is an online portal provided by the Utah Courts that allows self-represented parties to view their case history and view documents filed in their case. MyCase is currently available for criminal, debt collection, divorce, eviction, temporary separation, and small claims cases.

The Pro Bono Initiative at the S.J. Quinney College of Law hosts clinics in many areas of law, including family law, immigration law, expungement, and LGBTQ+ cases. Go to their website to see a full calendar of clinics and to learn more about the program.

The Utah State Bar Virtual Legal Clinic is a free, virtual clinic. Individuals can connect with a lawyer for a 30-minute discussion about their case. The lawyers will not represent you.

Rasa Legal helps you determine if your criminal record can be expunged. If it can, they can help you through the process.

Utah Free Legal Answers connects attorneys to client questions. Users must qualify for the service and will be able to ask a specific question about their case.Timpanogos Legal Center will not represent you in your case. In many cases, you can represent yourself. In fact, in half of divorce cases in Utah, neither party has an attorney. We are here to support you as you represent yourself.

Still have questions?

Reach out to our team for help and referrals.

© 2025 Timpanogos Legal Center. All rights reserved.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice or the Utah Office for Victims of Crime.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the State of Utah. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Utah Office for Victims of Crime or the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.