Safety Planning

Information adapted from a brochure created by the Utah Domestic Violence Coalition.

Nobody deserves to be abused. If you are in an abusive situation and are afraid, here is some information that can help keep you safe. If at any time you fear for your safety or the safety of others, call 911. If possible, leave.

Remember that your internet history may be visible to your abuser if you use the same internet network or the same devices. Delete your history or, if possible, use a network or device that your abuser can't access.

Safety During an Explosive Incident

  • Try to position yourself in a room with an exit, like a window or door leading outside. Try to stay away from the bathroom, kitchen, or any other room that may contain weapons or hard surfaces.
  • Try to get to a room that has a phone, or get a cell phone to take with you if possible.
  • Devise a “911 code word” to use with your neighbors, children, family, and anyone else that may hear an argument. Inform anyone who may hear your voice that if they hear the code word they should immediately call the police.
  • Plan a safe route ahead of time to leave your home. Practice exiting your home through identified doors and windows. Plan which elevator or stairwell would be best to use. If you cannot physically practice your escape, visualize it several times.
  • Pack a bag with the checklist items [checklist is at the end of the page]. Keep this bag either at a friend’s or family member’s house so you can pick it up quickly and easily.
  • Plan where you will go if you leave your house and how you will get there.
  • Use your own instincts and judgment. If the situation becomes very dangerous, consider doing whatever is necessary to calm the abuser down.
  • Tell your children to never get involved during an argument between you and your abuser.

Safety in Your Home

  • Change the locks on your doors as soon as possible. Buy additional locks and safety devices to secure your windows. Consider adding outside security lighting and cameras if possible. Purchase rope ladders if needed. The Crime Victims Reparations fund may be able to cover some of these expenses.
  • Request a new, unlisted phone number.
  • Never tell your abuser where you live. Tell your children to do the same.
  • Discuss a safety plan with your children. Inform them where to go and what to do if the abuser shows up.
  • Inform your neighbors, landlord, neighborhood watch program, and anyone else who you feel may be helpful, that your abuser does not live with you and that if they see the abuser they should call the police.
  • Call the police if your abuser threatens you, your family, or your home.
  • Tell your children’s school, day care, etc., who has your permission to pick up your children.
  • Use an answering machine or Caller ID to screen your calls.

Safety with a Protective Order

  • Keep a physical or electronic copy of your protective order on you at all times.
  • Consider giving copies of your protective order to your employer, coworkers, family, neighbors, teachers, friends, and church officials.
  • Call the police if your abuser violates your protective order.
  • When the police respond, get the officer’s name and badge number. You should not clean yourself or your home, and you should not do anything that might alter any evidence until it has been documented by the police.
  • Keep a notebook with you at all times to document any violations of your protective order. You could also use the “notes” app on your phone. Write down the names of anyone involved, the time and place of the incident, if the police responded, and any other information you think is important.
  • Think of alternative ways to stay safe if the police do not respond immediately.

Safety at Work

  • Inform someone at work, such as your boss, of your situation. Include the security officers--give them a picture of your abuser.
  • Don’t go to lunch alone.
  • Arrange to have someone screen your calls or use caller ID or an answering machine.
  • Have someone escort you to and from your car, bus, or rideshare. If necessary, trade vehicles with a friend so your abuser will not recognize your car.
  • If possible, lock the office if you are alone.
  • Park your car in a well lighted, visible area.
  • Use a variety of routes to go to and from work.

Safety in Public

  • Go to different grocery stores, businesses, and banks if possible. If this isn’t possible, change the time of day you go to these places.
  • Use a variety of routes when going to and from your home.
  • When possible, have someone escort you to your car.
  • Try to park in well lighted, visible areas.
  • Remain aware of your surroundings at all times. This may include not wearing headphones in public places.
  • Pick “safe” places to go ahead of time in case something happens while you’re away from your home.
  • Try to get rides with different people.

Safety Online

  • Your devices can be monitored without you knowing. Your abuser may have done things such as installed spyware on your devices that lets them know what you're doing on your phone or computer.
  • While using private and incognito windows adds some privacy, your history can never be totally erased. If you need to look up information but think your abuser may have access to your phone, plan to use a friend's device or a public computer.
  • Learn about internet and technology safety on the National Domestic Violence Hotline website.
  • Get information on technology safety and privacy from the Safety Net Project, which has guides on securing accounts, resources on stalkerware, information on data brokers, and more. The Safety Net Project is a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
  • If you suspect your abuser is sharing intimate/explicit images or videos of you online, visit Stop NCII (Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse) to get help in locating images and requesting they be removed.

Safety When Preparing to Leave Your Abuser


  • Open a bank account in your own name to establish or increase your independence. Ensure that your bank statement is sent to a safe address. Many banks also have paperless statements. Consider using a bank that your abuser does not use.
  • Get your own post office box using a safe permanent address.
  • If you have pets, make arrangements for them to be cared for in a safe place.
  • Gather the items on the Checklist [hyperlink to checklist] and have them stored at a friend or family member’s house.
  • Determine who would be able to let you stay with them or to lend you money.
  • Keep the shelter/hotline numbers and some change with you at all times. Consider getting a cell phone your abuser does not know about and keeping it on you at all times.
  • Review your safety plan as often as possible in order to plan the safest way to leave your abuser.
  • If you use a computer or smartphone to learn more about leaving, delete your browsing history. There are ways to recover a deleted browsing history, so please consider the risks associated with your abuser discovering your browsing history.

Your Safety and Emotional Health

  • If you are planning to return to a potentially abusive situation, discuss an alternative plan with a person you trust.
  • If you must communicate with your abuser, determine the safest way to do so. If possible, communicate over text or email to preserve a written record.
  • Be assertive with others about what you need.
  • Don’t be afraid to call the police and to ask for medical treatment. Be persistent about getting the care you need. Photograph all injuries.
  • Decide who you can call to talk to freely and openly and give you the support you need.
  • Plan to attend a victims’ support group to gain support from others and to learn more about yourself and your relationship. Information for some support groups can be found on our main resources page.
  • Keep a journal. This journal can also be used to document any protective order violations, specific incidents of abuse, and any other important information you want to record. Record all contact with your abuser. Always keep this journal away from your abuser. You may want to keep it at your office or at a friend or family member’s house. Save all messages and recordings from your abuser.


Get these items and documents together and have them readily available. Keep them at a neighbor’s or family member’s house.

  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate (yours and your children’s)
  • Social Security card (yours and your children’s)
  • Money (cash, some change, and any credit cards in your name)
  • Checking and savings account information
  • Loan/investment information
Legal Papers
  • Protective Order
  • House deed, or lease/rental agreement
  • Car title, registration, and insurance
  • Health/life insurance information
  • Medical records for you and your children
  • School records
  • Work permit/permanent resident card/visa/ITIN number/passport/matricula consular
  • Divorce and custody papers
  • Marriage license
  • Tax return from previous year
  • Medications, glasses, and hearing aides
  • Additional house and car keys
  • Safety deposit box key
  • Valuable jewelry
  • Address book
  • Change of clothes for you and your children
  • Current pictures of you, your children, and your abuser
  • Vaccination/immunization information
  • Charger for phone
  • Appointment book/calendar

© 2025 Timpanogos Legal Center. All rights reserved.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice or the Utah Office for Victims of Crime.

This project was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the State of Utah. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of Timpanogos Legal Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Utah Office for Victims of Crime or the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.